Defining a New Era of Healthy Travel for a World-Class Airport
Our particular airport client has multiple lines of business and is continuously launching new segments under its umbrella. To support the launch of its new Health Services subsidiary, Zerotrillion was tasked with developing strategic recommendations and brand portfolio options in support of our client’s business case.
Our Approach
Phase One
Phase one of the foundational brand approach was designed to gather and analyze organizational intelligence, review best-in-class brands to become familiar with the industry and set objectives. Stakeholder interviews were conducted with key executives, partners, and team members. An in-depth discussion guide was developed in collaboration with the Airport team. These interviews provided context, facilitated a transfer of information, and created an opportunity to understand unique perspectives in defining the context phase.
Phase Two
Phase two involved the delivery of a strategic document called the Growth Point of View (as a presentation) that distilled a point-of-view on our client’s business and brand as it relates to the Health Hub. This was informed by an in-depth analysis of the business situation, stakeholder interviews, industry trends, offerings, competitive environment, and potential customer segments. This document highlighted potential growth-limiting challenges and strengths of the Health Hub plan along with strategic imperatives and identified guardrails/key considerations for the subsequent stages.
Phase Three
A collaborative sandbox was set up in phase three to identify and visualize three brand portfolio approach options. This helped to define how brand relationships and key communications would work in each scenario (including master brand/sub brands, endorsements, etc.) and implications for each. Evaluation criteria were developed based on strategic imperatives from phase two to evaluate each portfolio option and provide key notes and takeaways. A workshop with internal stakeholders was instrumental in evaluating options and aligning on strategic recommendations to include in the business case.
The Final Deliverable
Over the course of this project, the team took a collaborative approach to producing the overarching deliverable: a concise report with clear recommendations designed to strengthen our client’s business case. This initiative represented an exciting opportunity to serve employees and the surrounding community with accessible, affordable health services, increasing retention and job satisfaction while offering a new, diversified revenue stream for our client. The benefits for travellers were also tangible, with an innovative new service offering creating a halo effect for our client’s organization.